Wholesale Genius - Installation

In order for Wholesaler to work in your Shopify store, there's some small code changes we need to perform in your Shopify code/theme. Once you install the app, Shopify notifies our systems and a background process is run to notify us. First thing we do is to ask you to give us permissions to edit your theme. Plase, grant us access as soon as you can so we can perform the installation in no time. We will do a copy/duplicate of your actual theme and we will replace it for the same with our code changes. Once we finish, we will send you an email notifying you are all set and ready to start selling to your wholesale customers.

If you have any doubts, feel free to drop us an email to support@microapps.com 

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    Jean-Guy de la Mercerie

    it is unclear if you have to do change manually in the liquid files, or if the app is doing it for you.